Colleges, Housing and Educational Services respond with great enthusiasm in support of year-long Principles of Community campaign!

November 10, 2014

By Michelle Wittingham and Sheree Marlowe 

Flags imprinted with UCSC's Principles of Community are displayed around campus to build awareness of each principle.

In keeping with the spirit of promoting a welcoming and inclusive campus climate, the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion which is part of the broader Chancellor’s Office, is collaborating with the Staff Diversity Group, members of the Hate/Bias Response team, and the UCSC African-American/Black Recruitment, Retention and Campus Climate (ABRC) team to launch a comprehensive year-long campaign supported by the Chancellor and Campus Provost/EVC to promote the UC Santa Cruz Principles of Community designed to promote and protect an environment that values and supports every person—every student, staff and faculty member—in an atmosphere of civility, honesty, cooperation, professionalism and fairness.

A key component of the campaign is to promote one of the seven Principles of Community per month for the 2014-15 academic year. We reached out to all ten colleges with the goal of having each college (or sister college pair) own one of the seven principles and host an hour-long training module for faculty, staff and students with a member of the Staff Diversity Group highlighting that principle.

Proposed Campaign Schedule

1. Thursday, January 29, 2015 Crown/Merrill: DIVERSE

2. December, 2014 Kresge/Porter: OPEN

3. January, 2015 College Eight: CARING

4. February, 2015 Colleges 9 & 10: PURPOSEFUL

5. March, 2015 Cowell: DISCIPLINED

6. April, 2015 Oakes: JUST

7. May, 2015 Stevenson: CELEBRATIVE

As one component of the campaign, the ABRC received approval, based on their recommendation, to purchase eleven sets of colored flags that can be seen by all members of the campus community, each flag containing one of the Principles of Community and its description. When seeking sponsors, the Colleges, Housing and Educational Services instantly responded back with great enthusiasm! The goal is to enhance the campus climate and ensure all community members are aware of the principles and what they mean. These are key values established in 2001 that we expect all community members to embrace.


See Also