On April 16, the first-ever system-wide Google Hangout between UC President Janet Napolitano and UC Staff took place. Moderated by UC Riverside’s Kathy Barton, who is also current staff advisor to the Regents, the session gave an opportunity for five staff panelists from across the system an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with President Napolitano being broadcast, live, via the internet.
CHES is quite honored that UCSC’s own Sarah Woodside Bury, Associate College Administrative Officer for College Nine and College Ten, was selected to represent our campus during this session.
While the discussion was wide-ranging and touched on numerous topics, central to this conversation were issues of staff salaries and benefits, and those of campus climate.
Sarah spoke powerfully and eloquently regarding limited “opportunities for professional staff advancement such as training programs, externships, mentorships, in addition to regular salary increases.” Later tying this to issues of campus climate and employee productivity, Sarah asked to know what long-term strategies for funding and support are being considered, pointing out that these issues are closely tied to the retention not only of staff but of students and faculty as well.
In response, President Napolitano spoke admiringly of the quality and commitment to excellence she has observed throughout the UC system as demonstrated, in part, by the impressive longevity of many employees and spoke of a goal to put in place a system-wide mechanism which would alert people to job opportunities not just in their own department, or even on their own campus, but throughout the entire UC system.
Congratulations, Sarah!